User's guide /




We at OBS look at information security as a mixture of organizational and technical activities aiming to prevent security-related incidents. Keeping the information safe and preventing unauthorized access to confidential information is crucial and requires a well-established company policy and constant efforts in that direction.

OBS ERP centralizes the information and provides it in a well-structured and easy to use way. In that regard, it is vital to define role-based privilege groups allowing the users to access only the information they are allowed to. In addition, you need to terminate the access of leaving employees (preferably before their last working day). These are only a few of the best practices that need to be followed in order to keep your data safe.

Good security practices recommended by OBS2GO and implemented in OBS ERP:

  1. Deactivation (withdrawal of access) of leaving employees before the last working day
  2. Requirement of complexity of passwords - minimum 8 characters, including special characters and numbers
  3. Restrict the access to an ERP system to certain IP addresses only
  4. Obfuscation of personal data (GDPR)
  5. Two-factor authentication
  6. Regular overview of system access logs
  7. Session termination after a specified time of inactivity
  8. Regular verification of the access granted to employees

Privilege groups

OBS ERP controls the access to the information using role-based privilege groups. For example, you might want to create the following groups:

  • Accountants - providing access to module "Finance" and "CRM",
  • HR - providing access to module HR,
  • Operations - access to the Time tracking module, projects and tasks,
  • Administration - full access everywhere
  • etc...

By default, OBS ERP creates only one privilege group - "Administrators". This group has full access to all ERP modules.

Privilege groups are created via the module "Privileges" located in Administration -> Settings menu. The module allows you to delegate read or write permissions over an OBS ERP component to a user.

Create a privilege group

Go to Administration > Settings > Privileges and click on the "Add" button. Provide the group name and a brief description, then click "Add." Once the changes are saved, a comprehensive list of modules will become visible, as depicted in Fig. 1. You will have the option to either individually open specific modules or open them all simultaneously.

Privilege Groups

Fig. 1

Choose "Read" or "Write" access where applicable and press "Save". This concludes the configuration of the privilege group. Now you can assign this group to a user in module "Administration" -> Settings -> Users

User access

Open respective module and click the 'wrench' icon at the top-right corner. Click on "Manage permissions" to manage access for users.

User Access

This will open a pop-up that will give you the option for changing permission.

Change Permission
  • Prevent access - Prevents access to the certain module
  • Prevent deletion - Prevents deletion from the certain privilege
  • Read - Can only read the module
  • Write - Can write in the module

By clicking the "+" button you can add more privileges to the module and edit their access.

Create an user

Navigate to Administration -> Settings -> Users and click the Add button. Fill-in the form shown on Fig. 2 and press "Add".

Create User

This will create a new user. Please note the "Privileges" field. It allows you to pick a privilege group for the user.

The field "Account owner by" is related to the "Staff" module. You can pick an employee you provide the account to.

Alternative process for user creation:

You can create a user in module "Staff" -> Edit record -> Create user as shown below:

Alternative User Creation

Select a privilege group and password for the account and then press "Submit" to complete the process.

User Add

Home screen > Staff > Create user

Delegation Rights

Delegating approval rights ensures smooth task management during absences. By entrusting colleagues with tasks like vacation requests and overtime approvals, operational efficiency and productivity are enhanced.

    1. Navigate to the Control Panel.
Control Panel

Location: Home > Left panel. Highlighted is the button that access the control panel.

    1. Select the "Delegations" section.
Delegations Section

Location: Home > Left panel > Delegations. Highlighted is section "Delegations".

    1. Choose the module for which you want to delegate rights for approval, such as Vacations, Vacation cancellation requests, Overtime requests, or Home office requests. Each module requires a separate delegation.
    2. To add a delegate, click on the plus icon, select the delegate from the list, and choose the specific rights you want to delegate, such as approvals or modifications. Click "Add" to confirm the delegation. This grants the selected delegate the rights to submit, approve, or reject requests for your subordinates.
Add Delegate

Location: Home > Left panel > Delegations. Highlighted are the plus icon, the dropdown for selecting a colleague, the approvals / modifications settings, and the "Add" button.

You can view your delegates in each module in a table view.

Delegations Table

Location: Home > Left panel > Delegations. Highlighted is the Delegations Menu where users can find the tables with their delegates.

    1. To remove delegations, locate the delegate in the table for the respective module, and click the minus icon labeled "Remove."
Remove Delegations

Location: Home > Left panel > Delegations. Highlighted are the "Minus" icons which removes the delegates.

By following these steps, managers can ensure seamless management of requests for their team even during their absence. Delegating user rights enables efficient workflow management and ensures continuity of operations.

Deactivate user account

You can terminate the access of an employee by click on switching off the "Active" checkbox in the user account.

IMPORTANT Note: cloud users are charged based on the number of users marked as "Active" or the number of employees in the Staff module marked as "Active" - whichever of these two numbers is larger.

Two factor authentication

To enable two factor authentication, you need to open the Left panel Menu and go to Control Panel.

Left panel menu

Home screen > Left panel menu

Then, select "Two factor authentication".

Open a Two-Factor Authenticator app on your mobile device (like Google Authenticator). After scanning the code, your authenticator application will produce a code you need to fill in the form under the QR code shown in the next image.

Two Factor Authentication

Left panel menu > Control panel > Two factor authentication

If you activate your two factor authentication for the first time, you need to enter the code and click "Activate" to enable 2FA.

From this step on, OBS ERP will require you to login with security code as well as password as shown on the images below.

Login screen

Login screen

Access token in 2FA

Access token in 2FA

2FA using your user email address

If you haven't scanned your QR code and the system requires a 2FA, then you can use your email address to generate one-time access token.

First, click "Send it to my email" on the login screen. Then, check your email for the access token and enter it on the login screen to access your account.

OBS ERP will generate a QR code and it will invite you to scan it with your favorite authenticator app.


OBS ERP implements AES encryption (formerly Rijndael), as defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197. In order to activate encryption in a certain module, navigate Administration -> Constructor -> Find Module -> Edit -> Activate "Encrypt uploaded files". This way the uploaded files in the module will be encrypted.


IP Address restriction

You may choose the IP addresses allowed to log in to the system. The setting is available at module Administration -> Settings -> ip_address_restriction


With reference to the General Data Protection Regulation, the data on our servers is obfuscated, the passwords encrypted with AES256 (Advanced Encryption Standard) and the personal data - protected.

Row-level Permissions

Row-level permissions serve the purpose of determining which files each privilege group can view and edit.

Navigate to the respective module, for example, "Internal Processes."

Click on the "wrench" icon at the top-right corner and then select "Row-level permissions." A pop-up will appear where you can grant permissions to specific privilege types for viewing the corresponding files.

To add new privileges for a specific file, click the "+" icon.

In this example, we added "HR" to the "Secret Documents."

You can create new categories and assign privileges to them by clicking "Initialize a new access category."

Organizational Structure

Manage organizational structural access

You can modify the display of records in the respective module based on the hierarchical structure (employee -> managers -> directors).

For instance, if you navigate to the "Vacations" module and access the list of all vacations, you can adjust the visibility of records by clicking the "wrench" icon at the top-right corner and selecting "Organizational Structural Access."

This action will open a pop-up where, if you choose "Management Chain" as the Listing Type, records will be displayed based on the hierarchy for the specific group.